Friday, September 12, 2014

First Days

It's that time of year where all of the little people go back to school. We spend the week before school starts readying them for what to expect once that 8:15 bell rings on the first day. Things like going to bed early. Waking up early. Eating breakfast in a timely manner. Getting dressed in something other than unders. Doing homework, etc., etc. But what I forgot to do was prepare myself for what it would be like to have 3 1/2 HOURS to myself twice a week. That's right my friends. For the first time in SEVEN years, I have 3 1/2 HOURS DURING THE DAY TO MYSELF. I like to say it over and over again because it all feels like a dream... Back to the point. I didn't prep myself for what it would be like to do things alone again. Things that I totally took for granted pre-kids. You know, things like peeing. 

So what did I do on my first days alone you ask? I knew you'd ask. So here goes.

No. Actually, I didn't...but whatever. 
Day 1.
I cried. Not like, a lot. But I shed a few tears in the car. I mean, come on. Lane didn't even want to take the nano-second it takes to give me a hug goodbye! She was all like- "See ya later Mama! I've got better stuff to do than hang out with the likes of you!" Ugh. No worries, I quickly snapped out of it and reminded myself that I had things to do. ALONE! WOO HOO!! So, I drove straight to the salon. And got my hair done. For half of the price than I normally do. Did I have a coupon you ask? NO! I didn't have to pay a sitter! Nor did I feel one ounce of guilt as I sat there, letting the chemicals on my head do whatever they do, sipping on my French Vanilla latte (that was laced with crack obviously. I mean seriously- real cream?? Sa-good.) because no one was impatiently waiting for me at home. No one! Then, hmm. What was it that I did next? Oh yes. The grocery store. By myself!! I'm not even really sure that I bought much while I was there (because, let's face it, I get to go back in two days- by myself!), but I sure did take my time wandering those aisles aimlessly.

That, was day one.

Day 2.
No tears. She still left me VERY willingly, but to see the smile on her face as she sat down to paint made it all worth it. This is good for her. And for me! I drove straight to the carwash. Doesn't sound so exciting you say? Well. I'll fill you in on a little secret. Underneath those carseats that adorn my backseat is a plethora of little toys, crumbs, milk spills, gum, creatures and who knows what else. When little people accompany me to said carwash, I can't take them out of their carseats, because, well, they would run around like crazy people. So I have to keep them strapped in. Which means that the plethora of DISGUSTING-NESS that is underneath them never gets cleaned. Ever. So on Day 2, I  cleaned out my car, sans carseats. Then I went and had a coffee. By myself. I sat outside and enjoyed every last drop- while it was still hot. No re-heating necessary on this day my friends! In fact, I sat there the entire time and just watched the people and the cars. Not one single little person interrupted my thoughts for an entire 20 minutes. Life-changing I tell you! Next, I popped over to my favorite indulgence. Pure Barre. There I enjoyed 55 minutes of guilt-free mind-body connection. Today's class was a little different than the hundred classes I've taken before it. I truly concentrated on me and my body. I wasn't thinking about who was waiting for me at home or what was for dinner. Lastly, drumroll please.... I took a shower and ate lunch. Alone! This all probably sounds so mundane to a lot of you, but this is big people. Showers alone? Unheard of. Lane will wake from a dead sleep to shower with me. Even when I tell her no- she sneaks in anyway. True story- I got to shave both legs in one shot on this day. Hand to God. And then? I ate lunch without having to stop eating to get someone something and without having to share it with another person?? Ah-mazing.

Day 3.
Errands. Hundreds of them. No slowing down. No strapping and unstrapping carseats. No lolly-gaggers. No crying in the candy aisle. No cake pops necessary. Just non-stop, focused errand running. I suddenly remembered what it meant to quickly run into a store- emphasis on quickly. Pinch me!

So my friends, after a few outings on my own, I feel ready to tackle the year. I imagine that most of my Tuesday and Thursday mornings will go as above. I may sprinkle in some volunteer work and home improvement projects (because let's be honest- they are a continuous, vicious life-sucking cycle of to-do's), but all in all, I'm going to enjoy my time. Alone. Which in turn, will allow me to enjoy my family ten-fold =) 

In case you were reading this blog to actually hear how the children are doing back at school, well then. I guess I'll throw ya a bone. Drake is doing great- as predicted. He's a natural leader and truly enjoys his teacher and classmates. He's really getting into sports and running and flag football are at the top of his list currently. He's also asked to learn how to play the guitar...future girlfriends be warned. He will be a charmer. 
And we can't forget Trey. As reluctant as he was to go on his first day (see Instagram for his surly snapshot), he rallied like a rock star and is now a favorite in his class (the teachers don't say this to everyone right??). He loves learning and is an eager beaver when it comes to school now! This was an unexpected trait for him, but it's cool to watch him come out of his shell. The possibilities are endless! 

Instagram: TeamKeraus
Facebook: MichelleandMattKeraus

Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Importance of a Mommy (or Daddy)-Moment

This post is for the caretakers of the world. For the people that do most of the child-rearing. For the person in the house who is lucky to get a shower in before bedtime- or at least a shower that isn't interrupted by little people asking all sorts of questions about why your body doesn't look quite like theirs. I title this one: "The Importance of a Mommy-Moment". But it could be a Daddy-Moment. Either way. It could shed some light for some of you.
I only recently discovered how important these moments are for me. For my mental wellness. For my emotional stability as a human being. Granted, I used to judge those moms that seemed to run away from their families to indulge in a GNO* or a day at the spa. I thought, "How selfish!!?? Why wouldn't so-and-so WANT to be with their family ALL of the time?" But folks. I get it now. And I whole-heartedly apologize to those moms I so blindly judged.
As a (mostly) SAHM** there are days where I don't connect with another adult until dark. My days consist of who needs what and how fast. What can I throw their way to keep their little hands and big minds busy. Naps are few and far between. They are MUCH too busy for those. Once one mess is cleaned up, another occurs. Literally, I cleaned up THREE full sippy cups of milk yesterday. By the third, it was almost amusing. Almost. But there's no use in crying over spilled milk. (Although I'm not too ashamed to admit that it's pushed me over the edge a time or two.)
To the parents that get to go to work every day: There are days that I envy you. And I'm sure that there are days that you envy me. I'm sure that there are days where you'd love nothing more than to hang at home and snuggle on the couch while watching movies, playing games and baking cookies. But in reality, those kind of days are a rarity. Usually it goes something like this: Make the breakfast, clean up the breakfast. Get dressed. Wait- someone pooped. Clean up the poop. Oh- you're hungry again? No wait- milk? Ok. Here you go. Oh- you didn't want that cup? Huh? It's what time? Get your shoes on! We are late!! Get your butts in the car... You forgot what? Show and tell? Well pick something! We are LATE! Get in the car!! What? You have to pee? Haven't you done that 14 times already this morning? Ugh. Go pee. The door's locked? Who locked the bathroom door?? WE ARE LATE!! Get in the car. Lane. Pick a carseat. Any carseat will do. T! Let's go! What? Your shirt hurts your armpits?? It's fine. We. Have. To. Go.... Is that pee on your shorts? Where is your backpack?? .... You get the idea. My point was. When you go to work you get a few things. You get quiet car rides. You get to walk into a building without undo-ing carseats and carrying someone on your hip. You get to maybe sit at a desk or sip your coffee and think about nothing at all. Maybe you even get to close your office door and have a moment of just "being". You get to have a whole coherent thought without a little person interrupting that thought. You get to just worry about yourself. At home, I can lock myself in my room, but it won't change the fact that there are little people on the other side of that door who can't get through the day without my assistance. And please don't get me wrong- MOST days I LOVE that that's the case. I adore my children more than life. They are perfect little beings (Yes- perfect. Even if only in my eyes.) that I was blessed with.
I love that I have people that depend on me. I'm freaking Wonder Woman in their eyes. If that's not a confidence booster, I don't know what is. I can fix just about any toy (or maybe I try and fail...but by then they've forgotten about it). I can fill their bellies with yumminess and spoil them with love and Skittles. I can cuddle the grumpies out of just about anyone. I can fix boo-boo's (or at least hide them). But at the end of it all.... I just need a freaking minute. And I don't think that's asking too much. Whether it's Barre class or a coffee with another mom who goes through the same or let's be honest, a beer to make my mind feel just fuzzy enough that I forget about my responsibilities for a minute, I don't think that I'm being selfish or insensitive. I think that if I went to a 9 to 5 job, I would get a lunch break and like a 15 minute recess or something. So I think that I should be granted the same at home. Right? Right.
Now. When I walk out the door to take these moments, I'm usually leaving crying children and a husband that looks less than thrilled about the fact that I'm leaving. This causes major mommy/wife guilt. So I usually spend the car ride to wherever I'm going trying to decide whether or not I should just turn the car around. They all need me! What will they do while I'm gone? What if I'm causing permanent damage to their psyche? Then I hit a stop light. Take a deep breath. And remember that the world will not stop turning because I'm taking some much needed me time. I'm reminded what a dear friend once said- your kids are only truly happy when mommy is happy. If mommy is stressed, tired, worn out, beat down...the kiddos will pick up on that. Then our pulled-too-tight-as-it-is-patience wears thin and we all know what happens then. We as moms, can only put our best foot forward when we take care of ourselves. So, it's only fair to everyone that we do so.
I urge all of you- moms and dads alike- take moments for yourself. Let the naysayers and non-parents judge away. They have NO idea what it's like to be in your shoes. Until you are a parent, you have NO IDEA what it's like to be needed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There is nothing comparable. Show me a job with such an importance as RAISING HUMAN BEINGS and I'll give you 10 reasons why it's harder to be a parent. So with that being said. Go to the gym. Take that class you've been eyeing. Hide away at the beach with a book. Grab a beer with a friend. The world will not stop spinning because you take a minute to just be you. And guess what? The kids will be just fine. In fact, they'll be better than fine. Because with a happy you- they are at their happiest too.


*Girl's Night Out ;)
**Stay at Home Mom

Thursday, November 21, 2013

This Girl Right Here....

Is TWO!! Tomorrow!! I swear I have no idea where the time has gone. Life has come and swept us away into the great time-thieving abyss. As tired as I am every night as I lay my head down on my pillow, I wouldn't trade these moments for anything. Trying to take the advice of my elders, I take mental pictures of things I don't want to forget. I try to store them away only to bring them back out for sentimental moments.
Things I want to remember about Lane right now are listed below. However, I can promise you I'm missing a hundred others. Try me as she may, she has completely stolen my heart.
1. The way she looks when she wakes up. Completely disheveled. Hair a big ole mess...
2. The first thing she asks for in the morning is cocoa (milk with a drip of chocolate syrup). Then she raids the fridge like a ravenous monster, only she picks the same things each time: a waffle or a bagel.
3. She asks for gum like it's going out of style. All of the time. When she's given gum, she does a little happy dance that is to die. I want to always remember that little dance. I hope she does it for her whole life.
4. She steals my yogurt and granola every. single. time. Sometimes I hide it from her so I can actually eat it myself.
5. She's an awesome napper.
6. She would follow Bubby to the moon. Bird on the other hand...phew. They are like oil and water sometimes. This is what I hear is the case from other three-children families as well. That's a birth order study waiting to happen.
7. Her favorite foods are macaroni, pizza, spaghetti, apples and gum.
8. By the way, gum is every kind of candy. Not just gum. This often confuses people.
9. She loves her dance class. Especially tap. But if she's hanging out while I'm having big-girl rehearsals, she will improv to any song that moves her. This of course, moves me. The girl has got skills already. Watch out world =)
10. When she runs, it looks like her little stick legs are going to give out at any moment. And she only swings one arm.
11. She prefers anyone else's carseat to her own in the car. To get her to stop crying we have to blast the music and roll down all of the windows.
12. She throws up in the car at least once a week. You would think I'd learn to carry towels and extra clothes. But I don't. Whatever. I'm used to the smell by now. The boys, are not. They hold their noses for the rest of the ride. It's hilarious.
13. She's a real life bully. Anyone smaller than her (think crawling babies)- she steps on. And laughs. Newly walking babies? She pushes down. I can't stop her. We will have to figure this issue out before preschool. I would rather not be called to the principal's office on a daily basis.
14. She's a purse digger. Any unoccupied purse or bag will be dug through and cleaned out. All in search of lip (gloss or chapstick) or you guessed it, gum.
15. She's fluent in iPhone. And queen of the selfie. I pray that goes away by the time she actually knows what she's doing. The day she makes a duck-face is the day I die.
16. She LOVES to snuggle on the couch and watch TV. DIY Network to be exact. With blankie and Kip. Kip is her bunny and we have no idea where his name came from. But I love it. And yes, we have two =)
17. When she's sleeping, she still makes a sucking motion with her lips. I could watch her do it for hours.
18. She has a ridiculous underbite. We need to start saving for her ortho bills now. Think bulldog. (see above picture)
19. She HATES when mommy leaves...except if there is a babysitter there. Because babysitters play "games"- which is immediately what she says when they walk in the door.
20. Whenever Gramma Gail calls on FaceTime, she immediately asks for Papa. And it drives Gramma crazy. Pretty sure that's why she does it.
21. Girlfriend loves shoes. And getting dressed. Again. We need to start saving. Or she needs to get a job.

Lane Michelle, I know you are only embarking on the second year of your life. However, there are a few things that I want you to know as you grow older. Know that I wish nothing but beautiful things for your life, little one. There will be dark moments and grey days, but you will get through them. Stay spunky. Give those boys a run for their money. Settle for no one or no thing. Make waves. Leave impressions. Stand up for something. Or someone. Be a best friend. Laugh every day. Be selfish once in awhile. But don't forget the importance of being selfless. Be humble but confident. Know your strengths and be open to working on your weaknesses. Never stop learning. Take a moment to appreciate your life every day.

You're lucky you're the baby. Because had you been the first, you would have been the last.

Love ya baby,

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Changes. It's funny to see how different personalities react to them. To some, it's exciting. A new adventure. Something to look forward to. This is me. For others, it's scary. It's nerve-wracking. Just the thought of it keeps them up for days. This my friends, is exactly how my sweet Drake Matthew reacts. Just. Like. His. Father. It's crazy. Same face. Same brain structure. So yes. I'm already taking applications for raising him through his teenage years...anyway. Back to the point.
We've been prepping Drake for Kindergarten since he started Pre-K 4. The first time. From day one- his response was ALWAYS- Nah. I don't want to go to Kindergarten. I'm going to stay with Mrs. Robinette for one more year. So we did. We stayed with her for one more year. Yet no one was surprised when at the end of year two, he stated that he would like just one more year. In fact, he told the entire class, "Don't worry if you're not ready for Kindergarten, you can stay with her one more year!" So thoughtful this kid.
Anyway, so we make it to one week before Kindergarten before the jitters kick in. He can't fall asleep. He gets whiny. Tears prick his eyes often. Just. Like. His. Father. The night before Kindergarten...forget about it. Sleep wasn't happening. Lots of pacing was though! He looked like a father waiting for his kid to get home from a night out. He's such an old soul. For this I love him.
But this kid. This kid woke up for his first day of school like a champ. Ready for his new adventure. He was facing it head on. Ready to conquer. And so I kissed him goodbye. Tightened his little backpack (that still is waaaayyyyy too big for his little frame) and sent him to school with Dad. He thinks this is pretty cool. I however....I do not.
I miss chatting with the teacher every morning- even if briefly. I miss checking out the classroom to see all of the fun projects that they are up to. I miss being in the know....Heck.  Let's not beat around the bush here. I miss just being with him. He's the creator of all things imaginative in our house. Trey is still not sure what to do without him. Lane walks around all day saying- Where's Bub? (well, it sounds much more like "wha Bub?" in her husky little voice). I answer- "he's at school!" and she says "huh?" and then we start all over again. But truly, we miss him. There's some days where I don't see him until he's headed to bed. This makes me sad. Then he tells me things like, "I don't have anyone to sit with at lunch"...then my heart breaks. Into a million pieces. And I think- forget it. I'll homeschool. I'll sit with him every day for lunch.... except we ALL know that I'm a much better mother to my kids when I get a break from them once in awhile (can I get an AMEN! ??). So, back to school he goes. However, I know my little boy. And I know how smart and fun and cute he is. And I know soon enough he'll have more friends than he'll know what to do with. This. This makes me hopeful.
So for now, I've had to let go and let God (well, and Matt) lead my little man every school morning. I'll let them do the heavy lifting for a little while. Heck, while they are at it, maybe they can do the homework too?? (who has ever heard of homework in Kindergarten??!!)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Restless Life Syndrome

I can't help but feel restless about where I am in life on this boring, rainy day. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE what I do. I love the girls that I the rush I get when my creative juices are watching them live on stage...but I feel like there's something more out there for me. Something untapped.
As all of you moms out there know-- doing anything for yourself while raising kids is next to impossible. I go to bed every night thinking to myself, "Tomorrow I'm going to whip up such and such pattern for Lane, test it out, see if I could sell it" or "Tomorrow I want to go through the camera, edit some pics, get them off to the printer." Then tomorrow comes and a gazillion other things come up. Puking kids. Clean the house. Make a few calls. All the while I think, "I'll get to that tonight when the kids go to bed." Then bedtime comes and goes and I finally sit down for the day and I'm wiped. There's no chance that I'm heading into my craft cave. No way I'm opening that computer. 
Or, I actually sit at my computer for a few hours or finally finish that sewing project that has been sitting on my desk for months and when it's all over with, I look at my disaster of a house, complete with empty cereal boxes, milk cups strewn about and underwear clad kids and feel guilty about not doing something fun with them. Something memorable. 
I don't want my kids to look back on their childhood and remember a mommy that worked all of the time. But in the same breath, I don't want them to remember a mommy that didn't follow her passions or ambitions.  I keep thinking that it will get easier to follow such passions once the kids get into school, but I'm not a patient person! I want to start now! And I definitely don't want to wish these precious years away...I treasure every day I get to spend with them (okay- most days. I'd say 75% of them. Okay. It's probably more like 50/ get what I'm saying here). 
I need to find a balance. A way to do it all. Okay. I'm motivated now. Be prepared.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Baby Fever

With so many people around me having babies or trying to have babies, it's hard to not think about having another. I love, love, love those first days with baby. Being in the hospital (call me crazy) is like a mini vacay. Think about it. I don't have to clean. I don't have to cook. People wait on ME hand and foot. I remember when Lane was born...I I HAVE to go home now?? I mean the food's not great, but come on, all I had to do was snuggle with my teensy, weensie little love bug who smells so amazing (what is that smell anyway??!!). In bed. With a t.v. Watching what I want to watch. Sleeping when I want to sleep (except when those annoying blood suckers come in at all hours of the morning- what's with that??). But then my 48 hours is up and they force me out. They say my time is up. Go home. Be a mom to ALL of your kids. 
*humph* Fine. 
But still, we had this new little person. Who really doesn't need much. Some milk here and there. Lots of snuggles. Lots of diapers. But Lane slept so much, that for a moment I thought- Huh. This is easy. What's all of the fuss about? I can do this! Three kids is cake! Life is GOOD! So I spent my maternity leave in this blissful little bubble. No work. All snuggles. Then my bubble popped. And reality came storming back in. This is why I say that women should take their maternity leave when their babies turn 6 weeks old. At least that's when I should have taken mine (not that I really took one with my last two!!). But at 6 weeks, all hell broke loose. Lane (and let's be honest- the other two as well), all of a sudden, became little life suckers. Crying. All. Of. The. Time. Wanting to be bounced. All. Of. The. Time. They hated everything. The car seat. The swing. Being swaddled. Not being swaddled. Bottles. Pacifiers. All of it. Except bouncing. That's when Matt and I looked at each other and said, "What on Earth were we thinking???" I remember feeling that I was neglecting the boys, because well, I was. Lane needed so much attention. Her naps got shorter. Sometimes non-existent. She hated her father (for reasons unknown- wink, wink). So that left me to be the lone ranger when it came to Lane. Trey became clingy. Drake even said once that he wished we didn't have another baby so that I could spend more time with him. Mommy Guilt set in big time. 
But life continued on. 
And things got easier. 
At least a little.
Lane is becoming more and more self sufficient. I can spend more time hanging out with ALL of the kids, making sure each one knows exactly how special he or she is to me.  But now that Lane is coming up on the age that I would usually get pregnant again, people often say to us- "Have one more. You have three already...what's ONE more?" Heck, Drake is even known to ask for another little sister from time to time. And sometimes I entertain the idea. How bad could it really be?..... But then I think about all of the things that were fun to go through (3 times remember) but that I'd really rather not do again (i.e. baby food, crawling (hey! they get flithy!! and remind me of how dirty my floors are all of the time!!), teething (yes- we are still in this stage!), etc., etc.). And I imagine how much less time I would have for each of my already existent little people and I know that 3 is the number for me.   
So, as jealous (and I mean like green with envy) as I am of you all that are having your sweet little people right now, I know the limits to my sanity.  And our pocketbook. 

If only someone could bottle up that baby smell... 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

iLane 1.0

iLane 1.0

Release Date: 11.22.11

Specs: 18 lbs. / 27 1/2 inches high 

Features: Macaroni Lover. Prefers milk to anything else. Including juice. Any kind of juice. Forget about it. Favorite pastime: getting into trouble. Never leave a phone or remote unattended. 
Enjoys eating playing in the dirt and playing with her brothers. 

That is when they don't lock her out of their room (can you believe they are doing that already??).  And she has to have everything they have (can you believe she is doing that already??). She hates anything in her hair. And having her diapers changed. And sitting in a high chair. Or a cart with a seat belt. Stealing smoothies and iced coffees at cheer practice or the dance studio has become something of a game to her. She loves to dance. She has the funniest little dance she does in the carseat. I can't tell you how many accidents I've barely avoided because I was watching her in the rear view mirror instead of watching the road. Current vocabulary is limited. Words include mama and all done. Although we swear that last night she said: Hi Michelle. Expect vocab to improve with updates. 

Cost: Priceless. Duh. 

Reviews: 4 out of 5 stars. HA! Just kidding. She's like 10 out of 5 stars. A definite "must-have" for the season. She is the love of our lives. I can't remember what life was like before her...oh wait. Yes I do. Life was a little easier. Okay. A lot easier. But it sure wasn't as fun. Or as pink =) However, we suggest the iLane 2.0 like to sleep a little more. Just a smidge. 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Middle Child Syndrome

My poor, poor Trey Bird. It's not your fault. It's my fault. You didn't ask to be born second. You didn't ask to have a little sister. You had no idea that being a middle child could change your life forever.

I'm so sorry.
I wrote Drake's birthday blog.
I just wrote Lane's birthday blog.
I forgot your birthday blog. Ugh.

I googled "Middle Child Syndrome"'s awful. So many people calling it a fate worse than death. Middle children are lonely. Are left out. Are withdrawn. But you my son, are none of those things. You are full of life. You are your brother's best friend. You are the little boy that Lane loves to constantly bother. I look at you like the meat of our baby sandwich. You're the good stuff.

As a big three year old, here are a few things I want to remember about you:
1. Movies are your FAVORITE thing. You would watch movies all day long (and night) if we let you.
2. You love to nap. So much so, you often go to bed after mommy & daddy.
3. Bubble....bubble, bubble, bubble. It's what you call candy. And you want it all. of. the. time.
4. Chocolate milk is still your drink of choice. You still call it CoCo.
5. You don't like breakfast.
6. Green is the ONLY color option.
7. Hair cuts are not your favorite thing. Hence the reason you can't see anything at the moment.
8. Cuts and scrapes are a major deal. They must immediately be covered and you do NOT want to talk about them. You will hide them at all costs.
9. You are obsessed with playing with guys...but the miniature guys. And you call them babies- like "Baby Green Lantern". It's a-freaking-dorable.
10. You are hands down, the grumpiest kid I know. But I don't care. I think it's cute. I'm kind of grumpy too =)

Anyway. My vow to you as your mother, is to make sure you never feel left out. Or are lonely. You will always be my little man. My snuggle-bug. My Trey Bird.

Love ya babe. Happy belated birthday.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Draker Baker

I am more than a little embarrassed that I haven't blogged since February. February? Come on Michelle. You can do better than that! I mean, I know the problem. When I go to blog about something, I think: Okay. Let's do this. But then I think- well, I want those pictures I just took off of the camera (5-10 minutes). Then I'll want to tweak said photos (and let's be honest here- once I start it's hard to stop- so let's estimate at least an hour). Then I have to actually WRITE the post. This is the easiest part, but the stuff leading up to it seems so overwhelming when I've only got, oh I don't know, 5 SECONDS to myself at any given time, that I just decide not to do it at all. Then I've missed a moment to document all of the amazing things my kids have done. Then I feel incredibly guilty. Then someone needs their butt wiped and all is forgotten until another blogging moment rears it's head. 

So, this is me, turning a new leaf. Succumbing to the fact that sometimes, the pictures do NOT need to be perfect to post. That sometimes, it's okay to just blog about the little things that I never want to forget. Please hold me accountable =)

Now...onto the main show. I missed blogging about an incredibly special day. June 14th. Five years ago it marked the best day of my life. The day I became a mommy. I will never forget the feeling of that little person leaving my belly (no worries- I'm not going to go into any gory details) and being placed into my arms (after all of the gunk was cleaned off of course- daddy wouldn't have it any other way!). I knew that my life would be changed forever. 

Drake, you are the funniest little kid. One day I'm going to write a book, and son, your one-liners are going to be a BIG part of that book. You are incredibly imaginative. That's important in life...and will make you an amazing father. You are smart. You never forget a name or a person you've met or what someone said. I swear you NEVER forget anything. However, when you get into trouble, your go-to line is "I forgot I wasn't supposed to do that!" Guess what? We know you didn't forget =) You love waffles. And soup with bread. You only like spiral macaroni and will tolerate chicken nuggets- although you are over McDonald's- which I am immensely grateful for. You love chocolate milk and root beer. And candy. And you have the cavities to prove it! 

You love to listen to music. And sing and have dance parties. You know the words to ALL of the top 40 songs. You can sing "Call me Maybe" front to back. It's really cute. Keep up this talent son- trust me on this. Girls LOVE a man that can sing. You are an awesome swimmer. Michael Phelps and the rest of the US Olympic team inspired you this summer! You love to do "Boy" things, like climbing trees and fishing. But most importantly, you are a good person. I'm not going to pretend that you aren't nasty once in awhile, but as a whole, you are so so good. You are always concerned about your siblings, making sure that if you get something, they get it too. You never want anyone's feeling to be hurt. You have such a sweet heart. You make me so proud. 

I read a quote the other day and I immediately thought of you. "My child is simultaneously the most amazing, frustrating, terrifying, awesome creature alive." I can't wait to see what's in store for you. Big things....big, big things. You just wait =)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Beach Day

Went to the beach today. With three kids. By myself. 
What in the **bleeeeeeppppppp** was I thinking?

Yes. I brought this much stuff. And yes, the tent poles are on the wrong side of the tent. Don't judge. **Side Note: I have a few words for all of the old men who just watched me do this. Thanks for the help. 

But then I see them playing so, so well together...and for a moment, all of the work is worth it. 

This makes it a little worth it too *sigh*...

Power Rangers go everywhere with us. 
And what about the look on those faces?? 
My cup runneth over...

And Over....

And Over.

(In his defense, after he made his heart, he told me that it looked more like a toilet. I agreed.)

Needless to say, I'll do it all again. And enjoy every minute of it. Sand fleas and all.