As we are recovering from our holiday hangover, I am finding myself reminiscent of the year that has passed. If I look back at where we were a year ago, I am shocked, proud and a little saddened at how fast my boys have grown in the short twelve months. My babies, yet still young in age, aren't necessarily babies anymore. So I'm pushing the pause button yet again to remember a few moments that I never want to forget.

We still call you Trey Bird. You still are so quiet. You point at everything. It might be something you want or something you just want us to look at. Sometimes you call things "Dat". We can't figure out what it means. Maybe "That"? Whatever it is. It's cute. If you're cranky or really want something, then a "Mama" will come out. That makes my heart smile. You smile all of the time. You just had major surgery on your little man parts, and you still came out smiling. Although quiet, you are incredibly smart. You understand everything we say to you. You love to snuggle. You like warm milk at bedtime. You hate the dark and often have nightmares. You hate your shoes, but love to wear Drake's. You love, love, love lollipops. A ball is your favorite toy. A ball that is thrown is even better. Drake often waits until you're napping or asleep for the night to play games or with his favorite toys so that you don't bug him. While playing, you often make a "roar" sound. Kind of like a little lion. It's super cute. You treat your friend Hazel, like Drake treats you. Anything she has in her hands, you swipe away from her and make her cry. But then you make up for it by planting big open mouth kisses on her and patting her on the head. Katie and I already have your wedding planned. You adore Cougar and love on him often. He tolerates you. Then escapes at the earliest opportunity. You're not a big fan of eating right now, but I blame the six teeth you have coming in at the same time right now.When Daddy wrestles me or Drake you get very protective and cry and push him away. It's super sweet. I hope that you always feel protective of your loved ones...
You are our whole world. Please be patient with us as we are learning right along with you. We will do better in this new year to be more patient with you and understanding of your needs. We will always expect the most out of you as we know that your potential is great. We will never allow you to be less than we know you can be. And most of all, we will always love you. Even when you're naughty =)