A child's first birthday. I think that every mother can say that this day is a bittersweet one. On one hand we think- YAY! We made it through the first year! For most it means that we are sleeping through the night again, we are done breastfeeding, most of the teething is over with and we once again feel okay about leaving the baby with the sitter to enjoy a night out on the town. On the other hand we think- WAIT! Where did the year go?? Where is my sweet snuggly newborn with whom I could waste a whole day just lying around and staring at each other?? Why doesn't he need me in the middle of the night anymore? Why doesn't he need me to feed him? I want my baby back!
It's because of this "other" hand I believe a lot of women keep having babies. We like to feel needed. Loved. Unconditionally. My babies never cared if I had showered, gotten out of my pajamas or brushed my teeth for that matter. If I was having a bad day, they were there to love on me and remind me that nothing could be that bad. For that, I am grateful. But I'm also realistic. Sure. I'd love to have a whole gaggle of babies (I think a gaggle relates to geese somehow...idk. I like the way it sounds). But right now we can house, feed and send the two we have to college. So for now, we are done having these sweet, adorable and cuddly babies. For now =)

So onto the topic at hand...Trey Jaxson! One year ago today at 10:44 am, we welcomed you into our family with loads of love to offer you. You made our family of 3 an even 4. Of course mommy and daddy loved you, but Drake absolutely adored you. My cup over floweth. I never thought I could love my second as much as my first. But you proved me wrong. From the get-go you were an easy baby. You would go to anyone, sleep like an angel and had the most laid back demeanor. Then all of a sudden you started moving...at what? 6 months? Crawling. At the speed of light. And as if that wasn't enough, you decided that you had to keep up with Drake, so walking was a must. At 9 1/2 months. We weren't ready for that! Trey Bird is your nickname...although often it's just Bird. Or lately, Monster. Because seriously, you are into EVERYTHING. Toilets? Check. Garbage? Check. Dog Bowls? Double Check. You want everything Drake has. And of course, that is causing major problems on the toy front. You love chocolate milk, grapes and peaches. Chili, spaghetti and chicken are high on your list too. You love to look at pictures of yourself and of course your brother. Drake started school last week, and on day one, you cried the whole time he was gone. You just didn't know what to do without someone to follow. But day two? We came home and you didn't know what to play with first. For the first time ever, the entire house was yours, toys and all. You aren't talking yet, but I'm convinced that Drake has something to do with that. When you have something to say, you'll say it. I'm not worried.

Anyway, Happy Birthday Son. Mommy, Daddy and Drake love you more than you'll ever know.
Happy Birthday, Trey!!
ReplyDeleteHAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! Your Little Bird is excited to wish you a happy birthday in person. :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Trey!!!! I really can't believe you are already a big boy one year old! We can't wait to play with you again! :-)