Dear Baker and Bird-
I just wanted to take a minute to write down a few things that I don't want to forget. So while this is addressed to you, it's really more for me.

Drake- You hate Lunch Bunch. You cried the whole time because you thought Mrs. Sullivan forgot to bring you to me in the parking lot. You ask me to wait for you in the car every day when I drop you off. You love Scooby Doo, every super hero and something called Sym Bionic Titan. I have no idea what that is. But you talk about it often. You are addicted to chocolate milk, although I've found that if I give you plain milk, you don't notice. You have however, started to enjoy water. In a cup. With an open top. You know how to get out of your carseat and out of the car for that matter. You also know how to get Trey out. This somehow makes me feel better. You hide all of your good toys from your brother. And tell on him when he's getting into trouble or doing something that might hurt him. I love that. When you see me in carline at school you get a smile a mile wide on your face and scream "Mama!". Brightens my whole day. You like gymnastics. Your teachers think that you're going to be a stuntman when you grow up. You can walk the whole balance beam on your own. You will only wear Crocs. You love to brush your teeth and take showers by yourself. You beg to play in the front yard with the big kids. And you had a pet frog named Pointy- for one whole day.

Bird- You are a monster. A good monster. But a monster all the same. You get into anything. And everything. Specifically the toilet. And garbage can. And dog food. And dog bowls. And the dog water bowl. You love playing on the lanai. You love drinking out of anything with a straw. You have 8 teeth. But I think your molars are coming in. You love the wagon. And wearing your brother's shoes. You're obsessed with remotes and phones. You pretend to talk on the phone a lot. And say something that sounds sort of like "hi". Daddy claims you said "ball", but I haven't heard it, so I'm not sure I believe it. You love to dance. You enjoy riding Ashley and walking underneath her. You often pretend that Cougar is a horse
and try to ride him. He hates it. Tolerates it. But hates it. You chase the dogs often. And think it's hilarious when they eat out of your hand. You cry when Drake takes toys away from you. And you cry even harder when he locks you out of rooms. I'm sorry about that, give him a year or so.
To the both of you- I love you more than you'll ever know. Daddy too. I thank God every day for blessing me with the two of you.
XOXO- Mama
Well this just about made me sweet! It's so easy to forget all the little daily things that happen!