Yay! It's Fall!
Okay. Truthfully, we live in Florida. We won't REALLY ever SEE Fall. But the weather has started to break. A little. Really. Like today, it was only 75 when we woke up. That's something. I swear.
But without a doubt- it's October. One of my favorite months. I love decorating the house (even though Matt hates it and complains about it...yada yada yada). I love making Halloween cutout sugar cookies with orange frosting and sprinkles. I love talking to Drake about what he wants to be for Halloween as the costume catalogs pour in. Today it's the Green Goblin. I will Tweet daily about what he wants to be. Let's see how many times he changes his mind. I refuse to buy a costume until a few days before as I'm sure he will want to be 12 different things before the 31st. 30 days? That's a LLOONNGG time to a 3 year old. And Trey. Poor Trey. He will just have to be the sidekick to whichever hero or villain Drake decides to be. As long as Drake doesn't want to be Beavis, I think we'll be okay.
Hey! That's MY Name! |
Things are going well around here. Drake seems to be liking school...although he's gotten into the habit of saying that he doesn't want to go in the morning. I chalk that up to me waking him up in the morning. Anyone that knows my kids knows that they like to sleep in. They get that from me. When there isn't an alarm, we get up around 8:15 or 8:30. So, I know why he's saying he doesn't want to go to school. But after some waffles and chocolate milk, he's geared up and ready to go. Once we are at school, he's anxious to get into the classroom, but never fails to tell me to wait in the car. Today his teacher said, "You know Drake, that's an awful long time to wait in the car!" He said, "That's okay." Ah. Gotta love him.
Thanks for the Firetruck Grammy and Grampy Keraus! |
Trey. Where do I begin? It's monkey see-monkey do. All. Day. Long. Drake goes in the other room. Trey goes in the other room. Drake is drinking with a straw? Trey must drink with a straw. You get the picture. Unfortunately, he also must try anything Drake tries. Hence the reason every chair in our house is either hidden or on it's side. The kid is like Houdini. Climbs onto everything. Scares the heck out of me. He's trying to talk too. When he hears one of us say "Hi" to anyone, he chimes in with some sort of babble that sort of sounds like "Hi!". And the dancing. So fun. Whenever a song with a good beat comes on, he'll stop whatever he's doing and start dancing. Arms up and everything. Very cute.
I'd love to go on, but Drake just puked in the leather chair. And for those of you that know my husband, if I don't attend to it immediately, the sky might fall on us all =)
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