So what did I do on my first days alone you ask? I knew you'd ask. So here goes.
No. Actually, I didn't...but whatever. |
I cried. Not like, a lot. But I shed a few tears in the car. I mean, come on. Lane didn't even want to take the nano-second it takes to give me a hug goodbye! She was all like- "See ya later Mama! I've got better stuff to do than hang out with the likes of you!" Ugh. No worries, I quickly snapped out of it and reminded myself that I had things to do. ALONE! WOO HOO!! So, I drove straight to the salon. And got my hair done. For half of the price than I normally do. Did I have a coupon you ask? NO! I didn't have to pay a sitter! Nor did I feel one ounce of guilt as I sat there, letting the chemicals on my head do whatever they do, sipping on my French Vanilla latte (that was laced with crack obviously. I mean seriously- real cream?? Sa-good.) because no one was impatiently waiting for me at home. No one! Then, hmm. What was it that I did next? Oh yes. The grocery store. By myself!! I'm not even really sure that I bought much while I was there (because, let's face it, I get to go back in two days- by myself!), but I sure did take my time wandering those aisles aimlessly.
That, was day one.
Day 2.
No tears. She still left me VERY willingly, but to see the smile on her face as she sat down to paint made it all worth it. This is good for her. And for me! I drove straight to the carwash. Doesn't sound so exciting you say? Well. I'll fill you in on a little secret. Underneath those carseats that adorn my backseat is a plethora of little toys, crumbs, milk spills, gum, creatures and who knows what else. When little people accompany me to said carwash, I can't take them out of their carseats, because, well, they would run around like crazy people. So I have to keep them strapped in. Which means that the plethora of DISGUSTING-NESS that is underneath them never gets cleaned. Ever. So on Day 2, I cleaned out my car, sans carseats. Then I went and had a coffee. By myself. I sat outside and enjoyed every last drop- while it was still hot. No re-heating necessary on this day my friends! In fact, I sat there the entire time and just watched the people and the cars. Not one single little person interrupted my thoughts for an entire 20 minutes. Life-changing I tell you! Next, I popped over to my favorite indulgence. Pure Barre. There I enjoyed 55 minutes of guilt-free mind-body connection. Today's class was a little different than the hundred classes I've taken before it. I truly concentrated on me and my body. I wasn't thinking about who was waiting for me at home or what was for dinner. Lastly, drumroll please.... I took a shower and ate lunch. Alone! This all probably sounds so mundane to a lot of you, but this is big people. Showers alone? Unheard of. Lane will wake from a dead sleep to shower with me. Even when I tell her no- she sneaks in anyway. True story- I got to shave both legs in one shot on this day. Hand to God. And then? I ate lunch without having to stop eating to get someone something and without having to share it with another person?? Ah-mazing.
Day 3.
Errands. Hundreds of them. No slowing down. No strapping and unstrapping carseats. No lolly-gaggers. No crying in the candy aisle. No cake pops necessary. Just non-stop, focused errand running. I suddenly remembered what it meant to quickly run into a store- emphasis on quickly. Pinch me!
So my friends, after a few outings on my own, I feel ready to tackle the year. I imagine that most of my Tuesday and Thursday mornings will go as above. I may sprinkle in some volunteer work and home improvement projects (because let's be honest- they are a continuous, vicious life-sucking cycle of to-do's), but all in all, I'm going to enjoy my time. Alone. Which in turn, will allow me to enjoy my family ten-fold =)
In case you were reading this blog to actually hear how the children are doing back at school, well then. I guess I'll throw ya a bone. Drake is doing great- as predicted. He's a natural leader and truly enjoys his teacher and classmates. He's really getting into sports and running and flag football are at the top of his list currently. He's also asked to learn how to play the guitar...future girlfriends be warned. He will be a charmer.
And we can't forget Trey. As reluctant as he was to go on his first day (see Instagram for his surly snapshot), he rallied like a rock star and is now a favorite in his class (the teachers don't say this to everyone right??). He loves learning and is an eager beaver when it comes to school now! This was an unexpected trait for him, but it's cool to watch him come out of his shell. The possibilities are endless!
Instagram: TeamKeraus
Facebook: MichelleandMattKeraus
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