Things I want to remember about Lane right now are listed below. However, I can promise you I'm missing a hundred others. Try me as she may, she has completely stolen my heart.

2. The first thing she asks for in the morning is cocoa (milk with a drip of chocolate syrup). Then she raids the fridge like a ravenous monster, only she picks the same things each time: a waffle or a bagel.
3. She asks for gum like it's going out of style. All of the time. When she's given gum, she does a little happy dance that is to die. I want to always remember that little dance. I hope she does it for her whole life.
4. She steals my yogurt and granola every. single. time. Sometimes I hide it from her so I can actually eat it myself.
5. She's an awesome napper.
6. She would follow Bubby to the moon. Bird on the other hand...phew. They are like oil and water sometimes. This is what I hear is the case from other three-children families as well. That's a birth order study waiting to happen.
7. Her favorite foods are macaroni, pizza, spaghetti, apples and gum.
8. By the way, gum is every kind of candy. Not just gum. This often confuses people.
9. She loves her dance class. Especially tap. But if she's hanging out while I'm having big-girl rehearsals, she will improv to any song that moves her. This of course, moves me. The girl has got skills already. Watch out world =)
10. When she runs, it looks like her little stick legs are going to give out at any moment. And she only swings one arm.
11. She prefers anyone else's carseat to her own in the car. To get her to stop crying we have to blast the music and roll down all of the windows.
12. She throws up in the car at least once a week. You would think I'd learn to carry towels and extra clothes. But I don't. Whatever. I'm used to the smell by now. The boys, are not. They hold their noses for the rest of the ride. It's hilarious.
13. She's a real life bully. Anyone smaller than her (think crawling babies)- she steps on. And laughs. Newly walking babies? She pushes down. I can't stop her. We will have to figure this issue out before preschool. I would rather not be called to the principal's office on a daily basis.
14. She's a purse digger. Any unoccupied purse or bag will be dug through and cleaned out. All in search of lip (gloss or chapstick) or you guessed it, gum.
15. She's fluent in iPhone. And queen of the selfie. I pray that goes away by the time she actually knows what she's doing. The day she makes a duck-face is the day I die.
16. She LOVES to snuggle on the couch and watch TV. DIY Network to be exact. With blankie and Kip. Kip is her bunny and we have no idea where his name came from. But I love it. And yes, we have two =)
17. When she's sleeping, she still makes a sucking motion with her lips. I could watch her do it for hours.
18. She has a ridiculous underbite. We need to start saving for her ortho bills now. Think bulldog. (see above picture)
19. She HATES when mommy leaves...except if there is a babysitter there. Because babysitters play "games"- which is immediately what she says when they walk in the door.
20. Whenever Gramma Gail calls on FaceTime, she immediately asks for Papa. And it drives Gramma crazy. Pretty sure that's why she does it.
21. Girlfriend loves shoes. And getting dressed. Again. We need to start saving. Or she needs to get a job.
Lane Michelle, I know you are only embarking on the second year of your life. However, there are a few things that I want you to know as you grow older. Know that I wish nothing but beautiful things for your life, little one. There will be dark moments and grey days, but you will get through them. Stay spunky. Give those boys a run for their money. Settle for no one or no thing. Make waves. Leave impressions. Stand up for something. Or someone. Be a best friend. Laugh every day. Be selfish once in awhile. But don't forget the importance of being selfless. Be humble but confident. Know your strengths and be open to working on your weaknesses. Never stop learning. Take a moment to appreciate your life every day.
You're lucky you're the baby. Because had you been the first, you would have been the last.
Love ya baby,
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