Release Date: 11.22.11
Specs: 18 lbs. / 27 1/2 inches high
Features: Macaroni Lover. Prefers milk to anything else. Including juice. Any kind of juice. Forget about it. Favorite pastime: getting into trouble. Never leave a phone or remote unattended. Enjoys
That is when they don't lock her out of their room (can you believe they are doing that already??). And she has to have everything they have (can you believe she is doing that already??). She hates anything in her hair. And having her diapers changed. And sitting in a high chair. Or a cart with a seat belt. Stealing smoothies and iced coffees at cheer practice or the dance studio has become something of a game to her. She loves to dance. She has the funniest little dance she does in the carseat. I can't tell you how many accidents I've barely avoided because I was watching her in the rear view mirror instead of watching the road. Current vocabulary is limited. Words include mama and all done. Although we swear that last night she said: Hi Michelle. Expect vocab to improve with updates.

Cost: Priceless. Duh.
Reviews: 4 out of 5 stars. HA! Just kidding. She's like 10 out of 5 stars. A definite "must-have" for the season. She is the love of our lives. I can't remember what life was like before her...oh wait. Yes I do. Life was a little easier. Okay. A lot easier. But it sure wasn't as fun. Or as pink =) However, we suggest the iLane 2.0 like to sleep a little more. Just a smidge.
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