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As we are all vegging on the couch today due to the crud that is traveling around this town, I decided that my blogging has been neglected to say the least. So here we are...embarking on another post to fill you all in on the goings-on around here.
We've been doing a bit of renovating around here. For those of you that were privileged enough to experience the infamous "Hawkeye" room, I'm afraid to tell you that the room is no longer. In a fit of rage over how awful the room was and how little it functioned for my and the kids' needs, I tore out the awful wood paneling, thinking that surely, the previous owners (the owners that put the god-awful paneling in the room to begin with...I mean seriously. Who puts wood-grain paneling in a room? The person that created it needs to be shot...) put drywall behind the paneling. But of course, that wasn't the case. There was just the concrete garage walls. Nice. So anyway, new drywall is up, paint is on the walls, and all that is left is the organizational aspect of the room. Almost there. I will post pics of the progress when it's all done.

Beyond home demo, we've finished up a soccer season, enjoyed a spring break filled with the waterpark and the beach and endured a week of swim safety classes. Drake did awesome. They got to play in a boat...fall out of the boat (gasp) and climb back into the boat; save each other from the side of the pool with a noodle; and jump off of the diving board. That was definitely his favorite thing. Like, his most favorite thing ever. He also experienced a traumatic event involving a toilet seat and his Bo-Bo. You do the math. Definitely a first and sad to say, it probably won't be the last.

Trey is always along for the ride. He's up for anything and everything his brother is doing or wanting to do. Which for the most part is awesome. But we are quickly figuring out that we need to purchase two of everything so that everyone is happy. This, we are also figuring out, is going to start getting expensive. And a bit nerve-grinding. Because, not only does Trey want what Drake has, but Drake wants what Trey has. Literally, as I'm writing this, I just watched a lollipop debacle go down. They each had one. One red. One green. Drake wanted to try Trey's. So Trey, being the loyal brother that he is, traded whole heartedly with his older brother. Drake decided that he didn't like the trade- so tried to trade back. But Trey no longer wanted to trade back, because while he doesn't talk (he sure does roar a lot), he's uber-smart. He knew that his brother wanted the green one back for a reason. Which ensued a screaming chase around the house that ultimately ended in tears. And the lollipops in the trash. Sorry kids. Mommy ain't having it today.
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