I have been more than a little slacking when it comes to this blog. But I have an excuse. A good one. Promise. Up until about 5 days ago, I didn't have the energy to clean my house (ask Matt his thoughts on that), much less open this dang laptop and write a blog. And we can give credit to the little peapod growing inside of me for the lack of said energy. I can't believe we are going to have another little person running around this house. Like- I really can't believe it. It hasn't totally sunk in yet. In the rare moments that I do think about it, I start having heart palpitations and small panic attacks. What are we going to do with 3 kids?? Oh no. Here they come again...deep breaths. In. Out. In. Out. In.....Out.
Lol. Ahh...the joys in life.
Anyway, besides that, we've just been doing day to day stuff. Trey trying to play. Drake taking anything that Trey touches away. Trey crying. And so it goes. In fact, it's happening right now. Fun stuff. But now that the pool is warm again, we've been happy to break up the day with hours in the pool. Trey is a crazy man. He doesn't seem to understand that he sinks. It's pretty funny...he literally just walks off the steps like he's magically going to float. Sinks straight to the bottom. Drake is becoming more brave every day. Hopefully we will be done with the "floaties" by summer's end.

Drake had his last day of school this week....so bittersweet. Drake's time at school was nice for everyone. He got to play with kids his own age and Trey got to play with me- or alone even. Which he loves, because no one steals anything away from him. I guess it will make him tough in the long run. Right? The thing I won't miss is the alarm clock. No one should have to wake up to those things. How awful.
Some big things on Matt's plate lately....his senior hurdler won the State title for the 110m hurdles this month. He will soon be off to play football and run track for the University of Iowa (which we all know Matt is over the moon about). Matt is also making the move to the school I coach for! He couldn't stand being away from me any longer (ha!). We think it will be a good move for him professionally and are looking forward to the doors it may open for him. He will be the head Cross Country and Track Coach for boys and girls and will be in charge of all of the Middle School PE classes. It's a small private school here in Naples with a family oriented feel. I'm very excited for him.

In a couple of weeks we will embark on what is sure to be the biggest thing this family has done. We are DRIVING to Iowa with a toddler and preschooler. Any tips on how to all get there without killing each other are greatly appreciated. If we aren't divorced or haven't given the children up for adoption by the time we get there, we are looking forward to 6 weeks of Iowa weather and tons of family time. Sweet corn. Lake boating. Cabin living. Craft fairing. Thunderstorms. Cool evenings. Grandparents. We. Can't. Wait. The way I see it, with all of the extra hands around, I'll be able to blog every day! Okay...who am I kidding. I'll shoot for once a week.