Imagining. Imagining what each one of these women is off to do after dropping their precious cargo off for a few hours. I imagine that the plethora of women that show up in yoga wear are off to do one of two things. Half of them are actually off to bikram yoga or bar method as their perfectly toned bodies suggest. But I firmly believe that the other half just want us to THINK they are. Or maybe they have every intention of going, but then daily errands and housework get in the way. Next are the moms that are dressed to the nines, racing down the hallway already thinking of the day that they have ahead. Hoping they have time to stop for a caffeine fix before heading to the office. My favorite kind of mom to watch are the moms that are dropping off one, holding another by the hand and have one in their belly. I both envy and feel for these women. I envy the state that they are in, however, I feel for them because I can only imagine the craziness that they are about to embark upon! Last but not least, there are always a few moms that show up in their pajamas. They'd like to think that we don't realize that they are pajamas. But we know. We ALL know. I hope I'm never that mom.
Every Friday he brings home all of his crafts. I find it quite humorous, as you can tell he did the bare minimum. Just enough to show the teacher he did it. For example, on a cutout cookie, he was told to put chocolate chips on it. There are literally two chips. Two little dots that say, "Here, I did it. Can I go back to playing now?" I get that. Matt doesn't. He's not nearly as impressed with Drake's drawings as I am. He claims that mediocrity won't be allowed in our house. Ahh. Men. I guess they just want better for their children. Want them to want to do the best they can- be the best- from day one. And I suppose I get that too.
I can't wait to look back on these days when Drake is grown. Well, I take that back. I can wait. I'm having too much fun to wish these days away =)

While I'm on the subject of moms I don't want to be. I have already done what I have always said I wouldn't. I was the last mom there the other day to pick up Drake. While he didn't seem to mind, Mom, I vividly remember what it was like to be the last one at school to be picked up. Like, there were a few times that I remember the janitors were there to clean the school and I was STILL sitting there. Wondering when my mom would show up. I hated that feeling. So here it was, 11:40 and I was at the horse barn. 20 minutes awa
y. I knew I was going to be late, but I also knew that no one would be in the office, so I couldn't call. I pulled up at 12:03 (pickup is 11:50). The parking lot was empty. As soon as I was in sight, I could see all of the teachers staring at my car. Wondering. Was Drake's mom finally here? Poor Drake was sitting on the ground all by himself, playing with dirt. My heart dropped. I felt so bad. He of course was fine. I apologized to everyone giving some lame excuse as to why I was late. And I vowed to myself and my son that it wouldn't happen again...

Drake has been doing great in school. When he gets into the car after school, we break it down. Did you sing? Yes. What? I don't know. Did you read books? Yes. Which books? I don't know. Did you eat your snack? No. What was it? Cheese crackers AGAIN! AND I had to drink water! Out of an open cup! Lol. Did you play? Yes. With who? I don't know his name. He had a dinosaur shirt on. But the girls wouldn't let us play with them....
That's what I like to hear. Good girls. Every Friday he brings home all of his crafts. I find it quite humorous, as you can tell he did the bare minimum. Just enough to show the teacher he did it. For example, on a cutout cookie, he was told to put chocolate chips on it. There are literally two chips. Two little dots that say, "Here, I did it. Can I go back to playing now?" I get that. Matt doesn't. He's not nearly as impressed with Drake's drawings as I am. He claims that mediocrity won't be allowed in our house. Ahh. Men. I guess they just want better for their children. Want them to want to do the best they can- be the best- from day one. And I suppose I get that too.
I can't wait to look back on these days when Drake is grown. Well, I take that back. I can wait. I'm having too much fun to wish these days away =)