So as you all know, Drake has been in swim class for about a month now...he wasn't getting much out of the first class he was in, as the other kids wouldn't get in the pool, therefore he had no motivation to do anything other than what he could already do. So we wanted to try another class of the same level of kids, that the teacher claimed was more advanced. Well, it's a possibility that he just said that the kids get in the water. I don't know. We were going to try it. So this Saturday, that's where we were. I was excited to see what Drake could accomplish if he saw other kids swimming, going under water, etc. Instead what do I see? A group of mothers, all getting into the water with their preschoolers! I immediately thought that we came at the wrong time- "is this the mommy and me class?"- nope. Preschool level 1. You've got to be kidding me? These were 3 and 4 year old children (one still in diapers may I add), that were clinging to their parents in the water for dear life. And the moms were allowing- encouraging even- the behavior. After initially being angry about the situation, I felt bad for these enablers and their kids. They are just setting themselves up for a liftetime of enabling their a teacher/coach of high school kids, Matt and I have often seen the results of this kind of parenting. It's not a good situation...95% of these kids go off to college and are back before the first semester even ends. Ugh.
Okay- I'm done venting. On to more fun things! Drake is anxiously awaiting his 3rd birthday...2 more weeks! Where has the time gone?? I actually think it's funny that he's only turning 3. The kid is wise beyond his years. Too smart I think sometimes. We can't wait for preschool to start in August. I think he's going to thrive with a teacher that's not me =)
Trey's teeth are still pushing through. 3 or so on the bottom....4 or so on top. Of course all coming in at different rates. Still looks like a hillbilly! Yesterday he actually took a couple unassisted steps as well! I don't know if I'm excited or scared. 2 boys running around the house?? Ok, I'm excited. I think it will be fun!
This holiday weekend we did some fun things. Saturday we took the boys to a "fun day" of sorts at one of the local parks. They had bounce houses, a playground and a fountain park...Drake was in heaven. And Trey can't wait to get out there and play- soon! Yesterday we hung out with our newly acquired friends...see, we've been neighbors for like 4 or 5 years and we just started hanging out a few weeks ago. They are our age, went to school in the Midwest and have a new it's absolutely ridiculous that we just started hanging out. Funny how life gets in the way of new friendships...better late than never!
Great post! You and Matt need to give us parenting lessons because we do NOT want Hazel being totally dependent and needy towards us! (That sounds mean writing that...) I am still cracking up that Drake was ready to spend the night and was ready for you to leave! LOL