We left Florida on Tuesday...Matt per usual, yelling at everyone (me) to hurry because we are going to miss our flight. Arriving at the airport TWO hours early, I felt more nervous than I usually do about traveling. Boarding an airplane with two small children is nervewracking! Already, while we were waiting for our plane to arrive, an older couple asked where we were sitting- as if to make sure that they were no where near us on the plane. I can't say that I blame them.
Drake was an angel on the plane. Fell asleep watching Transformers (surprise right?)...but Trey. Trey. I have no idea what got into him but he didn't sleep a wink. NOT A WINK. A three and a half hour plane ride and the kid had ants in his pants. It was quite possibly the longest plane ride in my life. Thank God it's over.
We spent our first night in Garner. Gma and Gpa Keraus made Drake a special Dinosaur room. It has two twin beds in it. So I took one, Drake took the other (Matt on the couch) and Trey in a pack-n-play. By 2 am it was Michelle, Drake and Trey in one twin bed...Matt still on the couch. Do we see where this trip is going?
We are now in Ankeny at Nana and Poppy's. Drake is following Kyle around like I knew he would. If Kyle isn't in the room, Drake is asking where he is. It's very cute- and I'm sure Kyle will be exhausted when we leave. Trey is loving all of the attention- especially from Poppy. It's very sweet.
Matt has been hitting the Track Nationals meet and the College World Series all week. Does this mean I get next week off?
More to come...