Trey is standing up now...a lot! He seems so little to be standing. I don't remember Drake standing by himself this early. I'll have to check his baby book...wait. Where is that thing? Ugh. Anyway. Trey is very happy standing. I won't be surprised if he's walking by next month.

It amazes me at how much he loves his older brother already. He will follow him anywhere. I can't get him to concentrate on anything if Drake is in the room. Eating has been a big struggle. I have to put Drake in another room so that Trey will eat.
I see a great friendship in the future. Right now Drake is a little annoyed with the whole thing. The other day he got mad at me because I wouldn't leave Trey in the car while we went into the store. We've had to have many talks about the fact that Trey is indeed part of the family :)
Drake's doing well with swim lessons. He's still the only one in his class that will get into the pool. Which is great- because he gets one-on-one attention, but I wanted him to see other kids swimming under water (giving him the courage to do it himself). So next week we are going to try another class where apparently all of the kids go under...I'll keep you posted. Every day he's in the water he gets a little braver. Selfishly, I just want to stop worrying about him around the pool =) Trey is also getting very comfortable in the water. CLICK HERE to see a video of him "swimming"!
Drake is also very efficient on the computer! We have recently let him go to town with Disney Preschool games...he can't get enough...CLICK HERE to watch him in action...
Matt's lease on his car is coming up soon. We started looking for cars this weekend. I hate it. I hate everything about it. I know what I want. I know what we can pay. Why does it take an hour of sitting in the dealership lobby to tell me yes or no? It's aggravating. Someone needs to create car buying online. We can haggle over email or IM and then they drop the car in my driveway. Leave the keys in the mailbox. Hmm...maybe I'm onto something!
2 1/2 more weeks of school. Then we'll have Daddy home with us. Haven't decided if this is a good thing or not! Very excited for our Iowa/Minnesota/Wisconsin'll be good to get back to the midwest for awhile.
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