Okay. So what's going on around here at the moment....well. I think the better question is what isn't going on. We are finally having the pool cage re-screened. It's taken a beating over the past couple of years and it was well overdue to have it done. I'm also in the process of updating the boys'/guest bathroom. For those of you that haven't seen it, here are some before/in progress pics...
Cute Kid/Awful Yellow Tub:
Awful Yellow Floor:

So besides home renovations, the boys are getting bigger every day. Well, Drake not so much. He's getting smarter. Trey's getting bigger =) Drake is officially potty trained. Very cool. We don't miss changing his diaper AT all. Trey is all over the place. He crawls and climbs and falls and laughs and it's incredible. He ADORES his brother. Follows him everywhere. I think Drake thought it was cool at first, but now he runs away from Trey. And closes him into rooms. I've found Trey crying more than once in a closed room. I feel so bad for him. No teeth yet, but he's eating like a champ. Drake's vocabulary grows every day. He amazes me at how smart he is all of the time. I think he knows how to work Matt and I's iPhones better than we do sometimes. In fact, he figured out how to purchase $10 of his favorite apps on my phone last week. He officially received his first grounding from the phone! Ahhh...teenagers. Wait- he's not even 3 yet!! AHHH!
Alright, off to bed. It's been a long day of kids, paint and spring cleaning. Whoever said being a stay-at-home mom was easy, obviously wasn't a mom =)
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