As all of you moms out there know-- doing anything for yourself while raising kids is next to impossible. I go to bed every night thinking to myself, "Tomorrow I'm going to whip up such and such pattern for Lane, test it out, see if I could sell it" or "Tomorrow I want to go through the camera, edit some pics, get them off to the printer." Then tomorrow comes and a gazillion other things come up. Puking kids. Clean the house. Make a few calls. All the while I think, "I'll get to that tonight when the kids go to bed." Then bedtime comes and goes and I finally sit down for the day and I'm wiped. There's no chance that I'm heading into my craft cave. No way I'm opening that computer.
Or, I actually sit at my computer for a few hours or finally finish that sewing project that has been sitting on my desk for months and when it's all over with, I look at my disaster of a house, complete with empty cereal boxes, milk cups strewn about and underwear clad kids and feel guilty about not doing something fun with them. Something memorable.
I don't want my kids to look back on their childhood and remember a mommy that worked all of the time. But in the same breath, I don't want them to remember a mommy that didn't follow her passions or ambitions. I keep thinking that it will get easier to follow such passions once the kids get into school, but I'm not a patient person! I want to start now! And I definitely don't want to wish these precious years away...I treasure every day I get to spend with them (okay- most days. I'd say 75% of them. Okay. It's probably more like 50/ get what I'm saying here).
I need to find a balance. A way to do it all. Okay. I'm motivated now. Be prepared.