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Yesterday, we celebrated such a special day. Trey turned 2. Two. Wait, 2??? I vividly remember the day we had him. I taught class Saturday morning, enjoyed a "last meal" Saturday evening, got induced Saturday night and viola! He was here Sunday morning. He was such an easy delivery. And such an easy baby in the coming months. Heck, who am I kidding, Trey has always been easy. Until he started figuring out that Drake had the cooler toys. And got to do cooler things. Big kid things. Then all of a sudden, he wanted to skip being a baby- a toddler- and jump right into the big kid things. I love that they love playing together and being together and fighting together (wink wink), but for purely selfish reasons, it saddens me that he skipped that baby stage. He never relished in Elmo or Mickey. He never wanted to crawl. Just walk. The only trace of baby left is his dang bottle. And even that has been cut back to bedtime. And oh yeah- that not talking thing. We are working on that too. He sure knows what he wants, and knows what everything is, but all-be-darned if he's gonna say it. Oh well. In due time.
A few notes to remember about you on this special day:
You love chocolate milk. In fact, you insist that your white milk get a dash of chocolate before you'll touch it.
You'll try just about any food- except if Drake is around. Then you are much too busy to be bothered.
You call Drake Buddy. Or Bubby. Each equally cute, considering Daddy's grandpa was called Bubby.
You love naps. Hate bedtime. You've resorted to sleeping with Mommy. Which is going to have to change here in a month or two.
You're a crappy bed-mate. I'm often awoken by a slung arm or kicked leg. And it hurts.
You want everything your brother has or gets. Right down to the color. And there's no fooling you about it.
You get REALLY mad at the dogs when they are in your spot on the couch or in the bed. I hear you yelling at them often.
You love to feed the dogs. Although I'm never quite sure how much or how little you actually give them.
I'm sure there are a hundred other things I should jot down...but you're calling me to play Woody B (Toy Story)...and I can't resist that smile =) Love you Trey Bird. Happy Birthday.