2. Parades are waaayyyy more fun when EVERY single float throws candy. Wowza!
3. Milk poured out of the window of a moving car will dry into a cement-like substance and will be near impossible to remove days later.
4. A moving RV's air conditioner cannot keep up with 90 degree heat. You WILL feel like you're in a tin can that is in a microwave. Motion sickness is inevitable and BBQ is not suggested for lunch.
5. It is not recommended to live in your in-laws house while you are pregnant. Your nesting instincts will kick in and you will have an incredible urge to clean (and purge) everything in the house (for this Gail, I apologize).
6. Grandpa's get grumpy too.
7. There's nothing like the first taste of Iowa sweet corn on a summer night.
8. There's nothing like an Iowa summer night.
10. Iowans, I hate to break it to you, but you don't know what hot is.
11. If you are going to unplug your refrigerator for 7 1/2 weeks, be sure to bleach it first or leave the doors open. Black mold is not fun to come home to.
12. The Midwest has the best antique/junk shops. Next year I'm taking a trailer just so I can bring home all of my treasures.
13. Climbing a tree is something every little boy must learn to do.
16. Small town people are good people.
17. After 33 years, Matt learned how to mow a lawn. Now if I could only get him to do ours.
18. Raising kids is a lot easier with 4 people. Maybe those multi-wife families are onto something...
19. Grandpas don't like changing diapers. Or listening to crying. I'll hand it to our generation- we've learned patience somewhere along the way.
20. Make your husband live with his dad as an adult. Then he'll apologize for all of his awful learned behaviors (this was a HUGE plus for me!!)
21. There are still movie theaters that show NEW movies (albeit one at a time) for only $1.
22. I loved hearing, "Mom! I'm going outside to play!" I wish we lived in a neighborhood where my kids could do this (see #15).
23. When it gets light at 5:30 am and doesn't get dark until 9:30 pm, kids get really confused about when to wake up and when to go to bed. Window covers are a necessity.
24. Small town grocery stores are highway robbery. Like even more expensive than Naples' grocery stores. But your only other option is to drive 20 minutes to the next closest store.
25. Grandpa's bus is the most fun bus to ride =)
So all in all, we had a wonderful time. Garner, thank you for your hospitality. We'd love to come stay again....if you'll have us =)