Things have been crazy busy lately. With the start of my new job, I've had to do something I haven't had to do in years...wake up early. Like really early. But it's okay. It's kinda nice to be up before everyone else. I get to work in bed and drink coffee in the quiet. Peace and quiet. It's my new little piece of heaven everyday.
I got to help with Drake's Halloween party at school. They started the day with a parade of costumes.....Then they sang us some spooky songs (blogger isn't cooperating with my videos- so if you want to see them, check them out on YouTube).
I was shocked that they sang us songs. Everyday when I pick Drake up from school it's the same conversation:
Me: Drake! How was school?
Drake: Good
Me: What did you do?
Drake: Played and remembered stuff.
Me: That's it? What was for snack?
Never once did he mention learning Halloween songs. I now know what my parents went through when asking me about school. Sorry guys! Anyway. It was cute. We then had spiderweb cookies, orange colored water (out of a open cup!) and made glittery bats with handprints for the wings. I had a lot of fun watching him interact with the other kids. I hope to go back on a day that's not so crazy. I did discover that Drake may have his first playground crush. On a girl named Ocean. She's a little tomboy. Cute. I was much more smitten with a girl named Lily. I now see what mothers of boys go through. And I'm not going to go there right now.
We had a great time Trick or Treating with friends. Batman and Robin made their way around with their buddy Woody. We hit 10 or so houses and then back to hand out candy. I think the kids had more fun handing it out than getting it. They would get so excited seeing the kids walk up to them with their costumes on...they would yell out who everyone was and give out the occasional compliment to the really fun costumes. While our costumes were homeade, I must say, they were comfortable, (parents- you really put your kids in some of those plastic-y materials? ugh. you wear that for a couple of hours and let me know how you feel.) I didn't have to worry about them getting ruined (because let's face it, they cost MAYBE $5 in materials) and I had a fun time making them. I think it will make the holiday more memorable for all of us (or at least that's what I'm telling myself =)).